ADiCares is comprised of highly qualified and experienced professionals that offer personalized services for all of your needs. ADiCares uses a team approach which includes: MSW level social workers, attorneys, financial professionals and medical health care specialists.
ADiCares provides aging in place case management services for aging in place adults and a holistic, client-centered case management approach for adults of all ages. ADiCares works with families and individuals to provide answers to difficult questions and solutions to life’s problems. ADiCares case management provides assessments, education, coordination of services and advocacy for individuals. One of the many things that separates ADiCares apart from other agencies is that it has a Surplus Income Trust for those who need assistance with managing their finances and preserving their wealth. This specialized type Trust allows you to avoid spend-downs and preserve all of your allowable extra income while still utilizing Medicaid for your larger insurance needs.
Specifically, a Surplus Income Trust enables you to preserve your monthly income from social security, disability, work and/or pensions, without having to return the excess income that otherwise would be deemed over the Medicaid monthly maximum. ADiCares Surplus Income Trust works with the CLC Foundation and their CLC Pooled Supplemental Needs Trust. CLC Foundation’s dedicated team of professionals have more than twenty five (25) years of experience providing superior individualized service to trust beneficiaries.
ADiCares has a long and successful history. Previous to becoming ADiCares we were ADi. ADi was a very well regarded Not for Profit agency that specialized in advocating and coordinating services for the Intellectually Developmentally Disabled individuals in New York State. ADI provided case management for the Intellectually Developmentally Disabled population and others since 2004. We served up to 400 clients. ADi has always prided itself on their strong and personalized relationships with their clients and their families. This tradition has carried forward with ADiCares.
ADiCares has partnering relationships that bring tremendous value to our clients. Community Living Corporation (CLC), CLC Foundation (CLCF), and CLC Transportation (CLCT) have served New York State residents for over 30 years and they have received many accolades and awards for their caring and professional service. In addition, ADiCares provides administration and management for the CLC Day Habilitation program, which provides daytime programming and work for the elderly and disabled. Our wealth of experience advocating and coordinating services, long-standing partnering relationships makes us a perfect choice for helping you make important decisions that will enrich and enhance your life for decades to come.